Monday, December 21, 2009

9/20/09-East Coast Family Reunion

Mamma and Dadda brought me to the Jersey Shore and told me to watch out for people like this:

Why are those people making fish faces?
Anyway it was an East Coast family Reunion with Grandma Judy (Lobis) Cousin Jessica, Brett and Uncle Bruce and Sandy.

9/14/09--I turned 10 months!!

Found this one in the past

Someone dug up this picture of my Dadda from 2001. What the...

9/13/09-Hanging out at the Tot Lot

Got to see Brandon.

9/9/09-Going to the Zoo

The first thing we saw at the DC zoo was the sloth bear,

For all my trip to DC photos, go here.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

9/8/09-Alone with Dad

We arrive in DC. Mommy's off to work and I'm stuck-I mean hanging out with Daddy.
I wanna just lounge around the hotel:

But Daddy has other plans. We're going to a park.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

9/7/09-off to DC

Mommy has a work trip planned to DC, so I'm packing to get ready.

what? I can't bring this box?

First we stop off in Philadelphia and visit Grandma Judy Lobis. We head over to a local park.
Lots of room to crawl:

Hmmm what's that structure over there?

Yeah, new stuff to bang on:

9/5/09-Picnic in Prospect Park

9/3/09-Back at the crib

Waoh, Mommy got me pirate pijamas!

8/30/09-Pulling up in the Tot Lot

8/29/09-Brunch with Jen and Robert

Today we had Brunch with Jen and Robert at Cafe Pestico.

Then we went to the New Museum in Manhattan.

"Daddy, what's a black panther?"

Sunday, October 25, 2009

8/27/09-Mommy's Group

Today we had some girls over.
Sylvie and Tahla

Playing in the Ikea tunnel.

Then we went to the park.

"Hey, that's mine. Girls."


Daddy's made spaceships out of boxes, cool.

8/25/09-Back to play

Babys come in the mail now.

Daddy thinks we love playing with boxes...well, we do.

Jacob's trying to eat my foot.

8/23/09-I'm eating Cheerios.

Organic of course.

Whatcha looking at?

8/16/09-Back in Boston

Breakfast of Champions.

8/13/09-Last Days in Maine

Went to the Bath Maritime museum.

8/12/09-What is Topsham?

Its Topsham.

The local country fair. Maybe we have exhausted all the things to do in Maine.

They are always calling me bear...Now that's a bear.

Monster trucks...

That night, Mommy and Daddy went out to this amazing restaurant in Portland Maine, Fore Street to celebrate their 3 year wedding anniversary.

Saturday, October 24, 2009


Today we headed to Brunswick and this cool bar movie house called the frontier cafe

and looked at some antiques, well they did.

Then we stopped in Penobscot for some boring art.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

8/10/09-Getting in touch with Nature (outlets) at Freeport.

Not sure about these Maine Blueberrys

So I think Mommy, Daddy and Grandpa were supposed to go to Freeport where they have all these outlets and buy me more stuff.

But then they said something about getting back to, suddenly were back in the woods.

Wait a sec, Grandpa's on his cell phone?!?!?


I'm really digging this cold Maine water.

They finally did making to the important stuff, like the L.L.Bean store.
Hey, what's that person doing to that dummy?

Come on guys. That's not a five island's lobster roll.